May 16, 2024

Learn How To Data Recovery Services From A Damaged Hard Drive

If the cause of the data loss is due to a logical error (internal we could call it) it is feasible to recover the files ourselves without the need to resort to a professional.

Now, if the reason for the failure is the product of mechanical or physical damage, a fall for example, here we can no longer do anything , so you will have to go to a specialized technician.

There are two ways to Data Recovery Services from a hard drive . The first is through tools that we find in the operating system.

The other way to carry out this procedure is by installing certain programs (some are free, others are paid).

It should be noted that the same process will not always be effective to recover data from the computer, since the cause of the problem may be different.

On the other hand, the number and type of files that were lost are also aspects to consider.

Fortunately, we found that there are several procedures and programs to recover data from a damaged hard drive . 

We are going to talk about two very different procedures. On the one hand, what to do when we lose photos and videos and, on the other, the rest of the data.

Data Recovery Services

Recover deleted photos from hard drive :

Trips, birthdays, weddings, parties… In our computer we have photos and videos of extremely special moments .

Technology made us completely forget about those big photo albums that our parents and grandparents displayed at family gatherings. Today, everything goes digital .

Unfortunately, when the hard drive gets damaged, these files are at serious risk of disappearing from the PC. 

Without a doubt, losing photos and videos can cause us great sadness, so it is necessary to know how to recover them .

On the other hand, many times, without realizing it of course, we delete these files by mistake and panic.

In the latter case, the first recommendation, as obvious as it may seem, is to check the famous recycle bin .

If you have accidentally deleted photos, it is very likely that they are stored there , so the recovery process is extremely simple.

Now, for the most complex cases, in which the hard drive is damaged , the best way to find the lost photos is through the use of various programs.

It is worth knowing in depth which are the most efficient applications to recover this type of files when the storage unit has problems.

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